Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Cyberlove by first sight, part 1 <3

Sweet lord, what a a busy week! Feels like I don't even have time to exhale between everything that's thrown over me at work:/ Yaaaiiiiiiiks!!! Christmas is moving in like a buldozer in a china cabinet and unlike for most other people (?) it's  the most busy time of the year with the project that I'm working on. Part from the summer, which is basically mayham too! It could probably be the reason to why I all the sudden feel all jingle bell jolly? It will be the first Christmas for me and my love together, our FIRST Christmas!! Can't believe it. Yeaaahhhiiii, so excited!!! The other two years we've been spending with our phones attached to our ears with duck tape, in dispair of being half a globe away from each other... Talk about jingle bell blues...! Everything has basically been a "first" this year..

Our story starts two years ago. Girl meets boy, they fall in love and all of that.. But we're not talking the traditional way. We're talking viritual dating and falling madly, deeply in love, going like a glowing, hot wire between Norway and the U.S. Forming a realitionship so deep, tender, sweet and pure I think we both were totally and utterly blown away of what we had found.. On the other side of the planet. Impossible, some would say. Fantastic!! Yes impossible I also thought it was, that I would fall in love with someone the cyberway.. I wouldn't have dreamt of it in a million years. Maybe it's just a lack of imagination to start with;) haha Mmm but seriously, I allways thought I would have to have the fysical part to fall in love.. To be able to flirt, touch and see.

We fell in love despite that. The sparking magic of pure connection and words.. At times when we were writing, I could swear that I felt his presence in the room and all around me, though we were miles away and I never even had met the guy. And I'm absolutely positively sure that I felt that first kiss, even though it was a viritual one;) He was with me every minute and second of the day, it was impossible to concentrate on anything. I walked around like a love zombie, blind to everything else, my whole existence revolved around this other person thousands of miles away. Like a drug. Couldn't have enough and I would gladly overdose on him any day if I were given the chance!

Days turned into nights as we turned the day around. Being so far away meant that the time difference worked against us 9 hours. It also meant that most nights I wouldn't get much sleep at all. I would bring my computer to bed and chat all night, or talk on the phone till I dozed away.. The mornings for my part were spent in front of the mirror applying makeup on with one hand, while chatting with the other, and/or while having him on the phone. Most of the time with the videochat on. Glory, glory, halleluja.. Texts and more chatting through out the day, allways there. Allways connected. At some point I developed some sort of veird, disordered emotions for my computer and cell. It's like my electronic devices turned into the real, flesh and blood man that I was in love with! ahha Madness. Hmmm that's when I found out that I had to get my butt over the pond to find out if it really was as good as I thought before I turned nuts over here...!!

I quicly learned that nothing is impossible! Something I had forgot through years in the wrong relationship..

2. part of this impossible possible, adventure of a love story will be coming to you soooooon...!!

Brought to you by VirgineMary;)

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