Saturday, December 19, 2009

Santa-mingo for tha brave!!

Or for those who want to make the most (?) out of their lawn ornaments and their holidays (????). The holiday flamingos!!! ahhaha When I thought I've seen it all... Hmm on the other side I guess it can be a good way to keep the holiday deco on a minimum, all you need is a mingo-closet on the attic and a couple of birdies stuck in your grass. Just dress up your pink plastic thingie on the lawn and you'll be all set for the holiday!

We come in peace.. (Yeah right)!

Hohohoh and a merry Christams to ya'll!!

Santa mingo with his mingodeer, why not make it complete with a set of 8..?

 If you still haven't had enough, here you have the über garden flamingo set to make sure that ANY holiday will be a MINGO holiday! Moooohahahahha!!!!!

Hmmmmmm I'm not so sure if I want that scele-mingo on my balcony when we move anymore.... It's like joining one of those sects.. You'll never get out!

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